This little beauty was parked out one Friday night, so cue my usual response of 'Oooh, isn't she gorgeous!' and stop to take a few quick photos (while dodging the traffic so I could get all angles), leaving a couple of friends waiting patiently and rolling their eyes until I was done.
This one's a restored 150 Sprint, finished in black and polished chrome. It's a nice little mod, and looks fairly well looked after. There were a couple of tiny spots of rust visible in the corners, so I'm not sure if she was a properly done restoration showing a few little marks of age, or if she's an import that still bears the fingerprints of that particular history. Either way, a very beautiful little mod.
You can see the influence of that squarish headlight on the current LX S range - still not a fan of it as I reckon the round headlights suit the Vespa's shape better, but that's just my 2c. That chrome really brings out the curve of those hips.