With any resto of course there's always the trepidation of where it's come from, and what its history has been - eg. I've been told never to buy anything from Asia, because they'll have been run to death and repaired with whatever is on hand at the time. This one's a little beauty though. I hope she's a good one, and hope she finds a good home.
I've got it in my head that I'd like the project of buying an old one and restoring it myself - when I have my own garage to make a mess of. This would be the base model I'd start form.
That is most definitely a bodge. There's some great FAQS out there to help recognize these so you don't make the mistake of buying one. Check out. http://scoot.net/faq/Asian_Restorations There's always better ways to find vintage scoots than e-bay. check out my blog. I never list bodges.